Facilities Scheduling

Facilities Scheduling ProtocolsBefore making any request, please go to the following link (Public Linkto gain access to facility availability.  This program allows you to filter by date or month, and also by the venue. This will allow you to narrow down exactly which building or space is open and when it is available. **Please keep in mind, that if you want to see the ending time for when an activity ends, you need to be in the DAY view (not month or week). 

When you find time available, please email Val Binsfield at vbinsfield@mvcsd.org with your specific dates and times requested.

Please remember we will take requests for Jan. 1-Apr 30 no sooner than Sept. 1.  We will take requests for May 1-Aug. 31 no sooner than Jan. 1.  And we will take requests for Sept. 1-Dec. 31 no sooner than May. 1.  

Please, request times for no more than 1x per week with any specific group and no requests longer than 1.5 hours per group.

We charge for MVCSD rentals.  Those charges are anywhere from $10/hr up to $100/hr depending on your group and which facility you are requesting.  Please email Val Binsfield or Matt Thede to inquire about your rate. 

The person making the request assumes responsibility, proof of insurance, and is liable for any injuries that take place on our facilities.

Keys ($10 deposit) are to be checked out and returned after each block of time reserved (I.E. – in the fall when you are done, or spring if you used it all fall), even if that means you are to reserve it again at a later time.

MVCSD school-sponsored activities take priority above all other groups.  The school reserves the right to change or remove a reservation if our own programs need to use the space.  We will do our best to prevent this from happening, but it can happen from time to time. 

No gym requests will be taken after 6pm on Wednesdays and before 12pm on Sundays. 

Thank you for your attention to this.  We will do our best to accommodate and be proactive on our end. Thanks for your support!