
Math InstructorsCourses Offered
Derek Roberts
Applied Math
Algebra 1
Maryanne TeagueAlgebra 2
Honors Pre-Calculus & Trigonometry
Alison Hamm
Algebra I
Algebra Prep
Nathan Namanny
Algebra 2
AP Calculus
KW Statistics
Science InstructorsCourses Offered
Heather AllenAnatomy & Physiology
Honors Biology
College Prep Physics
Alaina Appley
AP Chemistry
Chemistry 2
Physics I
Integrated Science Case Studies
Aaron Schwiebert
Chemistry I
Earth Science 1
Earth Science 2
Derek RobertsBiology
Science Department Webpage
Social Studies InstructorsCourses Offered
Andrew Shea
World History
AP World History
Criminal Justice
Ed Timm
Political Science
US History
Maggie Willems
Honors US History
World History
English InstructorsCourses Offered
JoAnn Gage
English I
AP Eng Lit/Composition
21st Century Journalism
Mystery Stories

English I
Film as Literature
AP Lang/Composition
Alissa Sabers
Popular Literature
Modern Literature
KW Composition 1
KW Composition 2
Tom Stephens
English 2
Fiction Writing
Interpersonal Communications (IPC)
Introduction to Theatre Lit
PE InstructorsCourses Offered
Preston Pedersen
Mustang Strength and Speed
Ryan Whitman
Lifetime Fitness
Mustang Strength and Speed
World Language InstructorsCourses Offered
Jenifer CarstensenSpanish 1
Spanish 2
Spanish 3
Spanish 4
Erica Nichols
Spanish I
Spanish 4
KW Intermediate Spanish I
KW Intermediate Spanish II
Tom Wilkinson
Spanish I
German I
German 2
Honors German 3/4
Career/Technical InstructorsCourses Offered
Ben Kuker
Auto Mechanics
Flexible Manufacturing
Power Tech
Residential Plumbing/Electricity
Computer Science Principles
Trista Lynner
Sewing I
Sewing 2
Culinary Arts I
Culinary Arts II
Interior Design

Andy Brandt
Financial Literacy
the Stable
KW Personal Finance
KW Introduction to Business
Workplace Software/Skills
Shawn Voigt
Introduction to Industrial Tech
Materials Processing
Advanced Materials Processing
Construction Technologies
Computer Aided Drafting
Exploring Industrial Tech
Residential Electricity & Plumbing
Music/Art InstructorsCourses Offered
Bonnie Ahrens
Drawing/Painting I
Drawing/Painting 2/3
Digital Art
Ceramics I
Ceramics 2
Art Media Survey/Ceramics 3
Photography I
Photography 2
Art Portfolio
Tabitha Rasmussen
Scott Weber
Color Guard
Thad Wilkins
Treble Clef Choir
Mixed Choir
Concert Choir
Brooke Hartz
Directed Studies
Erin Wilkinson
Directed Studies
Brandi Viter-Pitlik
Directed Studies
Brett KarkoshHigh School Counselor
Jordyn VanDraskaHigh School Counselor